There are many signs and symptoms of mental health problems, and they can vary depending on the specific condition and the individual experiencing them. However, here are three common signs that someone may be experiencing mental health problems:
Changes in mood or behaviour: If someone is experiencing mental health problems, they may exhibit changes in mood or behaviour that are not typical for them. For example, they may become more irritable or withdrawn, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, or experience extreme mood swings.
Physical symptoms: Mental health problems can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach-aches, fatigue, or changes in appetite or sleep patterns. These symptoms can be a result of the body's response to stress or anxiety.
Difficulty functioning: When someone is struggling with mental health problems, they may find it difficult to perform daily activities such as going to work or school, taking care of themselves or their family, or maintaining relationships with others. They may also experience difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
It's important to note that everyone experiences mental health differently, and these signs may not be present in every case. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health problems, it's important to seek early professional help from a mental health provider